I have ported charisma admin template from usman to django. Check the live version here.
To install use
pip install django-charisma
Collect static and add urls:
python manage.py collectstatic
You can modify the boxes and create/include in every page as follow:
{% extends 'charisma_django/base.html' %} {% block content %} {% include 'charisma_django/breadcrumb.html' %} {% include 'charisma_django/boxes/four_blocks.html' %} <div class="row"> {% include 'charisma_django/boxes/introduccion.html' with colmdwidth='12' %} </div> <div class="row"> {% include 'charisma_django/boxes/buttons1.html' with colmdid='buttons1' %} {% include 'charisma_django/boxes/buttons2.html' with colmdid='buttons2' %} {% include 'charisma_django/boxes/weekly_stats.html' with colmdid='weeklystats' %} </div> <div class="row"> {% include 'charisma_django/boxes/member_activity.html' with colmdid='memberactivity' %} {% include 'charisma_django/boxes/tabs.html' with colmdid='tabs' %} {% include 'charisma_django/boxes/keep_in_touch.html' with colmdid='keepintouch' %} </div> {% endblock %}
I have created a datalogger with this template and old PCB from a project. Check it out here.
If you have some doubts do not hesitate to contact me at grrodre@gmail.com
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